środa, 22 lipca 2009

CURL i pobieranie strony (cykliczne)

Np. do głosowań i innych takich:

str=`date | sed 's/\ /\_/g' | sed 's/\:/-/g'`
curl -C -v -D vote_header_$str.txt -e $str -A $str -j -c $str.cookie -H "$str\n\r" NASZ_URL -o vote_out_$str.html

środa, 8 lipca 2009

Blog o rozwiązaniach różnych

App-V, Wirtualizacja, filtrowanie ruchu itp.


Słownik pojęć różnych

(temat nieopracowany - luźne zapiski)

EMC Storage device


MLK - „Medialess Licence Kit”

SAS Software RAID, IR RAID and Hardware RAID controller Firmware and OpROM Update Package for EFI
Intel® Local Control Panel Firmware Update for DOS
6 Drive Bay Hot Swap Expander Controller Firmware

Integrated Mirroring Enhanced (IME) or Integrated Striping (IS).

Firmware for Intel® Embedded Server RAID Technology II, IR and controllers that function in both IR and HW RAID mode

Stepping - parametr określający wersję procesora, pozwalający z grubsza określić jak dany egzemplarz różni się od egzemplarza bazowego z danej serii. Przykładowo procesor E8200 step. A0 to pierwsza seria, a E8200 step. A3 to trzecia wersja zmian pomniejszych, zaś E8200 step. B2 to jeszcze nowsza wersja z większymi modyfikacjami (ulepszenia/poprawki).

PCIxpress (jak się pisze)
24 lanes / 8 lanes


Spannig tree

Field Replaceable Unit (FRU)

Sensor Data Records (SDR)

Baseboard Management Controller (BMC)

Extended Firmware Interface (EFI)

Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI)

Platform Information Area (PIA)


Open-loop / Closed-loop - różne podejście do sterowania pracą wentylatorów. Szczegóły poniżej:

Several fan speed controller options can control fan speed including open-loop and closed-loop fan speed control. Open-loop fan control sets a speed based on a percentage of maximum fan speed, which is typically a voltage or pulse-width modulation (PWM) duty cycle. The fan speed might be monitored to detect a fan stall, but the speed isn’t adjusted to converge on a target speed. In many cases the fan speed is not even monitored, which allows use of a slightly less expensive fan without a speed signal output (tachometer).
Closed-loop fan control provides an ideal way to control fan speed because it drives the fan to a target fan speed by measuring a tachometer signal from the fan. It then automatically adjusts the drive setting until the target speed is reached. The closed-loop fan speed method eliminates the variables that cause fan speed variation.


STAR - alternatywa dla TAR w środowisku SELinux

(temat nieopracowany - luźne zapiski)

star H=exustar -C="/" -f /fullbackup.star.bz2 -sparse -link-dirs -xattr -bz errctl="WARN|GETXATTR *" -xdev -c -not pat='/proc*' pat='/boot*' pat='/lost+found*' pat='/mnt*' pat='/sys*' pat='/fullbackup.star.bz2' /

star -acl -x < archive.tar

Przykłady użycia star'a: http://linux.about.com/library/cmd/blcmdl1_star.htm
Star i ACL: http://cdrecord.berlios.de/old/private/star-acl.html
Star i SELinux: http://magazine.redhat.com/2007/07/02/tips-from-an-rhce-tar-vs-star-the-battle-of-xattrs/
Star i pattern: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=255261
Star vs. Tar: http://gd.tuwien.ac.at/utils/schilling/star/STARvsGNUTAR
Opis star'a: http://linux.die.net/man/1/star
Star i broken symbolic links: http://forums.novell.com/novell-product-support-forums/suse-linux-enterprise-server-sles/sles-configure-administer/303500-star-xattr-broken-symbolic-links.html


Monitorowanie RDP - Remote Desktop Protocol

(temat nieopracowany - luźne zapiski)

Group Policy Edit


Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings\Local Policies\Audit Policy\

Audit logon events - Success, Failure
Audit account logon events - Success, Failure

Event Viewer







PortReporter -ls 65536

MCE - Machine Check Exceprion

$ parsemce -b 3 -s f62000020002010a -e 5 -a 0000000032c93500

Status: (5) Machine Check in progress.
Restart IP valid.
parsebank(3): f62000020002010a @ 32c93500
External tag parity error
CPU state corrupt. Restart not possible
Address in addr register valid
Error enabled in control register
Error not corrected.
Error overflow
Memory hierarchy error
Request: Generic error
Transaction type : Generic
Memory/IO : I/O

$ parsemce -b 5 -s f20000300c000e0f -e 4 -a 0
Status: (4) Machine Check in progress.
Restart IP invalid.
parsebank(5): f20000300c000e0f @ 0
External tag parity error
CPU state corrupt. Restart not possible
Error enabled in control register
Error not corrected.
Error overflow
Bus and interconnect error
Participation: Generic
Timeout: Request did not timeout
Request: Generic error
Transaction type : Invalid
Memory/IO : Other

My favorite test is cerberus(ctcs). Quite a few OEMs out there
use it to burn in their systems. For me it can typically find a problem
within a few hours. Whereas memtest I've let it run for a week and have
it not find anything useful.

Though the results of cerberus sometimes won't help you pinpoint the
problem(often the result is just a machine crash). But at least you
know there is an issue and can start swapping hardware until it's
fixed(or just replace the whole system).


Have you checked to verify that the fans are spinning?

Since it is a new system, I think you should take it back to your HW
distributor and have them run cerberus(ctcs) on it, as Richard Karhuse

If it takes a few days for it to get the Kernel Panic, I doubt that is
related to the OS.

Let your HW distributor do the work of troubleshooting and replacing
whatever component(s) are faulty. They can get a CentOS Live CD and
run that on it.

mcelog te

mcelog --ascii < crashlog.txt

Archiwum bloga